Budo-Reishiki (etikett och tradition) del (2/3)

18 mars, 2014
in Blog

Här kommer en förklaring av vad Sensei innebär.
Vi kan alla dra nytta av budons kodex.

Håll tillgodo med del 2:

”Sen” originally means Earlier, Front, Ahead, Advance, Prior.
”Sei” originally means born.
So as a combination, ”Sensei” means a person born earlier than you.
Which means, Sensei is experienced than you, Sensei knows more than you, therefore, Sensei can teach you whatever you don’t know.
Sensei is a terms which is used for the person who are respective. Everyone respect Sensei because he is more skilled than you ,he is trained more than you and he is the person who will teach you.
Sensei is the person who will lead you.

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