Lars Sjöberg har under hösten genomgått utbildningen Executive Coaching som baseras på forskningsresultat
från PhD Tina Erikssons avhandling inom ämnet Executive Coaching. Avhandlingen inom Executive Coaching är den enda i sitt slag och PhD Tina Erikssons forskning är evidensbaserad. Utbildningen är ett led i StarCoach strategi att erbjuda Executive Coaching till företag som vill effektivisera, förbättra och öka prestandan i företagets ledningsfunktioner.
Läs mer i avhandlingens abstract nedan:
Examining the Effectiveness of Executive Coaching on Coachees’ Performance in the Israeli Context
Gil Bozer, Human Resources Management Department, Sapir Academic College, Israel James C. Sarros, Management Department, Monash University, Australia Contact Email:
While executive coaching is a key means by which organisations and individuals build executives’ capabilities, very little research has investigated how effective or beneficial this development tool is to the individuals or the organisations in which they work. The purpose of this study was to examine executive coaching effectiveness by investigating whether executive coaching has an impact on coachee performance outcomes as well as individual outcomes as manifested by self awareness, career satisfaction, job affective commitment, and job performance. Coaching outcomes were examined through a quasi-experimental field pre-post design with an untreated control group. The study participants (n=197) were drawn from the client bases of four Israeli-based firms whose primary professional services focused on executive coaching. The primary conclusion is that executive coaching may be a mechanism by which executives could be helped in improving and